2 Months To Go!!!

I cannot even believe I am typing these words- I am getting married in TWO MONTHS!!!! Yes, you read that right.  Two months from today.  That is insane.  We have been engaged for 18 months now, and to think the wedding is so soon, is just unreal.  This weekend we are having a combo bachelor/bachelorette party thrown for us by my best friend and maid of honor, and then in 2 weeks we are having our separate parties!  Crazy! Looking at the calendar freaked me out, because every single weekend we have things going on until the wedding!  This past weekend I spent hours at both my dress fitting and making our invitations!  I will show an update on those once I get more done and can show you- they are so cute!!  

Speaking of wedding dresses… I bought my dress with the intention of losing some weight before the big day… yeah… about that… I’ve gained 5lbs instead.  Now that I am running out of time, I am getting serious again.  I just can’t believe how fast time flies! I am going to start eating healthier and going to the gym around 5 times a week until the wedding (hopefully!!!) I would like to lose about 10lbs total for the big day.  I think I can do it!  

I am really trying to get healthier per my “happiness project” and this will just take it one step farther!   

Completely Exhausted

Well, the last 2 weeks have been the most stressful and exhausting weeks of my life.  Last week the company I work for held its annual convention, this year in Philadelphia.  It was so stressful yet wonderful.  I love where I work, so it was nice to spend time with the people I am close with, doing what we love.  But I did work a total of 81.25 hours.  Yes, you read that right.  81.25 hours in 6 days.  That is INSANE, people! It was completely exhausting, but so worth it.

But then, the inevitable happened.  It all caught up to me.  I arrived back to Chicago late Sunday night (after a 3 hour delay, of course) and started getting a little bit congested Monday morning. Tuesday it hit me like a big ol’ bus.  102 fever, chills, body ache, sweating, congestion, and pounding headache.  I was absolutely so miserable! Luckily I got over this very quickly.  I give credit to lots of rest, emergen-c, and raw garlic (2 whole cloves to be exact) I am still very congested, but I will take it over everything else.

So, I will try to get my normal post out this weekend, but this was just the explanation where i have been.

If you would like to hear more about my trip to Philly and see some photos of my sightseeing, or anything like that, let me know!

xoxo, Emily

First Outfit of the Day

It isn’t very often that I find myself wanting to post an outfit of the day.  During the week, I wake up at 5:30am and really don’t have the motivation to put together a cute outfit.  On the rare days I do, I feel the need to document them!  This outfit is my new favorite! It is so comfortable, but cute at the same time.

Don’t mind my awkward selfies! Remember, this is my first outfit of the day! Image

*I spy a puppy! And random wood swatches to redo our floors!*Image

ImageLets hope that future selfies aren’t so awkward! haha

  • Shirt is from Target  
  • Black jeggings are Nine West American Vintage in Missy, but they don’t make them anymore.  Here is a similar pair.
  • Boots are Madden Girl
  • Purse is from ShopLately, one of my new favorite websites!

I hope you enjoyed this outfit of the day!  Let me know if you are interested in seeing more posts like this, or what you would like to see!
